Current research projects

Interplay between Tropical Geometry and Geometric Rigidity Theory

Recently, Tropical Geometry has played a pivotal part in the study of Geometric Rigidity Theory. My current research on this link can be split into three separate branches.

Research papers on topic:

Geometric Rigidity Theory for alternative metrics

I am interested in understanding what occurs for standard rigidity results when the very idea of distance is altered in some way. This can be either switching to an alternative norm/metric, or by changing what is being measured (such as angles or volume).

Research papers on topic:

Contact structures of convex body packings

The contact structure of convex body packings (including sphere packings, cube packings, circle packings, square packings, etc.) is often poorly understood and difficult to determine. I am interested in determining contact graphs for these packings when: (i) every object has some fixed size, or (ii) every object has a random size. Convex body packings appear in multiple scientific areas, including Colloidal Matter Physics, Crystallography and Cryptography.

Research papers on topic:

Applications of Geometric Rigidity Theory in Algebraic Statistics

A natural problem in Statistics is obtaining maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) for various Gaussian graphical models; multivariate normal distributions where known conditional independences are modelled as non-edges. Uhler (2012) investigated what is known as the maximum likelihood threshold (MLT) of Gaussian graphical models: the minimum number of samples to almost surely guarantee the existence of an MLE. Gross and Sulivant (2018) proved that this value can bounded by the lowest dimension where the graph has only stress-free realisations. 

Recently, myself and others proved that the MLT of a graph is directly linked to the highest dimension where the exist internally-stressed generic realisations with a positive semi-definite associated stress matrix. This understanding has lead to many breakthroughs on the topic, including exact computations of the MLT for large families of graphs.

I am currently determining exact MLT values for large families of graphs (such as those with low genus), and seeking further problems in algebraic statistics that can be considered through the lens of Geometric Rigidity Theory.

Research papers on topic: