Research interests

My main area of research is my main area of research is Geometric Rigidity Theory: the study of how constraint systems – discretely-defined structures with geometric constraints between them – can be deformed.

As well as its uses for structural engineering, Geometric Rigidity Theory has some rather interesting applications. Some of these applications include:

H-S. Ahn (2020). Formation control: Approaches for distributed agents. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 

K. Liu, S. Henkes, and J.M. Schwarz (2019). Frictional rigidity percolation: A new universality class and its superuniversal connections through minimal rigidity proliferation. Physical Review X 9, 021006. 

A. Singer, M. Cucuringu (2010). Uniqueness of low-rank matrix completion by rigidity theory. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 31:4, 1621–1641. 

A. Sljoka (2022). Structural and functional analysis of proteins using rigidity theory. In: N. Katoh, et al. Sublinear Computation Paradigm. Springer, Singapore.

E. Gross, S. Sulivant (2018). The maximum likelihood threshold of a graph. Bernoulli 24:1, 386–407. 

 Z. Zhu, A. Man-Cho So, Y. Ye (2010). Universal rigidity and edge sparsification for sensor network localization. SIAM Journal on Optimization 20:6, 30593081. 

Other topics I am interested in include Crystallography, Tiling Patterns, Tropical Geometry, Algebraic Statistics, Spectral Graph Theory, Convex Optimisation and Matroid Theory, as well as Discrete Geometry, Graph Theory and Combinatorics in general.